Career Jenga

So last Friday at lunch break, I had half a class in my counseling office, playing Career Jenga. They seemed to enjoy the game, as well as the questions and it was a blast to hear them discuss the future like that.

Everyone was so afraid that the tower would fall at anytime, and that they should be the one who was going to make it fall. But that never happened.

So when their class started after lunch I had a huge Jenga-tower standing in the middle of the table, just waiting for the game to continue. At the end of the day another student and me get to take it down and we had a talk about it as well.

I like to be spontaneous and love when they just want to hang in my office, if I have the time for it.

The Career Jenga is a normal Jenga-game, that I've written a list with questions that I've tried to translate and as the kids draw out a block, they have to say a number and answer the question and then putting the block on the top of the tower. I've thought of writing the questions on the blocks, but felt I had to test it some times before I can mark them like that. Out of 42 questions, it's just one question I have to rephrase so it work as good in Swedish as it did in English.

You can find one of the lists I based my questions on here: List of Jenga questions - counselorclique as well as here: Another list, download it to get a good mix.


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