My job is to talk about jobs.

"My job is to talk about jobs. Or more specific, the future.

But it's not like I know it all."

I have no idea where I've fallen over these words. If they are my own, or someone else's. But they describe pretty well what it is I do.Yesterday I had a visit from an 8th grader who had no idea on where he should have his vocational training weeks. We talked some about his interests and what he would like to do. Then we started searching on google and ended up sending out a lot of mails to places he could think of. Hopefully we'll have a place for him before this month is over. Or if not, we'll have to search some more :)

We had a visit last fall on School R, where my ninth grader meet some workers and heard them talk about why they like their job, as well as hearing about how the workfield may look like when they graduate from High School. To hear their stories and pathways of their worklife was a blast! I love to listen as well as talk about different jobs, and people!

But, we have some big things to work on here in Sweden, as well as globe-wide. We have a gender-divided workmarket. Our young students have a hard time working their way in on man-dominated and women-dominated places. Hufflepost have written some articles on this topic if you are interested. It was in 2014, but still; read more here.

So as a career counselor I do have a mission to encourage our young ones to choose over this border.  To make girls take place in the man-dominated workfield as well as our boys feel proud of working with a "woman's job". To be able to make this even better, I just ordered some cards with different jobs.

I'm going to have these "Work-cards" in my sessions with the students. Where they can divide them in different piles, just talk about their idéa on a specific job, or just to show some of the pathways they have to choose from. I'm looking forward of getting my pack because of the variety they contain.

Want one pack for yourself? Just click the link!
TreMedia Work-cards


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