Career Counselor - changed title

Okay, so I've been thinking again. When I started this blog I thought School Counselor was the right title for me to use because I could find so much good stuff to use in my work under the title School Counselor, both online and in books and so forth...

 but last week made me change my way. A new Kurator have started working at School R from last week. As I said in Blog Post: Work Title the Kurator, have a focus on social work in school. "This person have more knowledge of psychosocial conditions, home-conditions and the social work our students connect to."

So from now I will call her the School Counselor in my blog, and refer to myself as the Career Counselor. It feels a bit better this way.

Therefor the address to this blog is changed, the title in English is changed, and my name on Instagram is changed. Though, if you are a Studie- och yrkesvägledare and are working at elementary level; don't forget to google School Counselor + career counseling. There is a lot of good ideas out there to use in your everyday work! Especially on pinterest ;)

A happy news is that I've already starting to cooperate with the School Counselor at School R. We have had one lesson on how to behave with a class, and will have another one next week as well as two more after the holiday with the same class. Both because it's easier to be one more person working with a group of kids, as well as I have a lot of knowledge working with groups like this, but mostly because it's a lot more fun to cooperate than to be on your own.


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