What's happening this week?
Monday. A new week with new things to do, and students to meet but...
This weeks schedule includes a lot of things; like two bigger meetings with counseling colleagues from secondary schools in the district, as well as surrounding cities as well as I will be lesson planning with the Swedish as a second language-teacher and even go to a counseling conference!
I won't be that much at my two schools, but I'm hoping for a good week anyway, with a lot of inspiring happenings and talks to look forward to.
I will end the week in Stockholm with the yearly conference with Vägledarföreningen, an association for us educational and vocational counselors here in Sweden. It's my first time going to this 2- day long conference. This years theme is Insight, Outlook, Future; the core of guidence counseling. All Swedish counselors working with educational and vocational guidance have a lot of different conference to choose from during a year, so it comes to choosing well on which to go to.
I glanced at the seminars and workshops and it sure looks good! We will talk about equality, norm-critical counseling, hope-filled engagement as well as the future and it's professions and jobs. I'm most looking forward for a seminar for "guidance counseling in the younger ages - how to do it?" on the second and last day of the conference.
I'm also looking forward to the SSA-conference in the spring. Last year was my first time there, and it was overflowing with inspiration and good times. Hopefully I will get a taste of that this week as well.
In the end though, it helps me grow as a counselor. To be able to go to all these meetings and find tools to use in my everyday work. Because that's what it's all about; experience to become an even better counselor on an every-day basis, in that special meeting with the student.
I am so grateful for the experience I'm getting, all I'm learning and how to take it a step further.
I am so grateful for the experience I'm getting, all I'm learning and how to take it a step further.
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